What wildlife is there at Woodside Lodges?
How many will you see? Take a look at some of the animals below and download or print the activity sheet at the bottom of the page!
— Birds —

It is thought that the buzzard is now our most common bird of prey, taking over from the kestrel! You’ll see them gliding over the site.

The swans are the largest members of the waterfowl family and are one of the largest flying birds! The same swans have returned to Woodside each year to nest and raise their cygnets.

Grey herons are the largest birds most of us ever see in our garden their wing span is around 6ft!

The kingfisher doesn’t have a whistling song, however it does have a distinctive shrill whistle. Listen for them in the Conservation Area.

Pheasants are not originally from Britain, rumour says that the Romans first brought them here.

The green woodpecker is the largest of the woodpeckers that are found in Britain. You can see both the green and greater spotted woodpeckers at Woodside.
— Land Animals —

Did you know that rabbits can turn their ears 180 degrees and can pinpoint the exact location of a sound?

Squirrels have four front teeth which will never stop growing throughout their fun lives!

Muntjac Deer
Did you now that Muntjac are a brown colour for most of the year and turn grey in winter?

Did you know that Hedgehogs rely on hearing and smell because they don’t have very good eyesight?.

Foxes are omnivorous mammals that are really light on their feet and are often mistaken for other animals such as wolves & dogs!

Badgers have big bodies with short legs that are really good for digging burrows underground these are called a sett.
Help us Spot Creatures Old & New!
We have created an activity sheet which you can print and tick off as you go along. If you spot any new creatures that aren’t on the sheet, be sure to let the team know so they can be added!